Before you begin your bath, be sure that you have already showered and cleansed yourself and space with an energy clearing smokeable herb like sage or an incense stick. You want to be clean before soaking in your spiritual bath. 

Next, run your warm bath and light one of the white fixed tea light candles that are included. (There are 3 included with a white sheer baggy because this bath soak is enough for up to 3 uses)

You can pour the spiritual soak directly into the bath or you can add inside the white sheer baggy for an easier clean up. Either way is fine, you will reap their benefits if instructions are followed completely. 

Next, while in the tub you will wash yourself in downward motions. The reasons for this bath is to remove from you whatever is ailing you or causing disruptions to your spirit. Your spirit will be more aligned and balanced. 

As you wash downward, visualize yourself being cleansed. MAKE YOUR OWN DECLARATIONS AND PRAYERS WITH SINCERITY AND ALL SERIOUSNESS SO THAT THE WORK WILL WORK. If you are unsure on what to pray, you can use an all purpose like Psalm 7, Psalm 23 or Psalm 108. 

Be sure to pay attention to cleansing your forehead, the back of your neck, your heart and your hands and feet. 

You should be in the tub for about 15-20 mins, maintaining focus on your intended outcome of spiritual cleansing and protection so that you can get back into alignment. 

When finished, air dry or pat dry if you must so that the bath can soak into your skin and cleanse you. 

Once done, give thanks to God, your ancestors or spiritus and to the spirit of the herbs and roots. Let the protection you set on yourself do its job. You can finish with adding a little Florida water on your body or a protection oil. Allow the candle to burn out on its own. You can repeat this process for 3 days in a row or whenever you feel as if you need to spiritually cleanse. 

Additionally, wear white or a light colored clothing to sleep. You can also cover your head. DO NOT GO BACK OUTSIDE FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE EVENING UNLESS ITS AN EMERGENCY. Once you are cleansed you dont want to go back out into the world. You want to ensure that you get a good nights rest and you will feel better and lighter the following day.  


Our self love bath soak is intended to assist you with drawing in the love you should have for self. This bath is created with various salts, blessed herbs, crystals and pure intentions. It's best to take your bath after you have already showered and removed any dirt from your body. It's recommended you soak in this bath for a minimum of 20 mins. A self love pink candle is included. Light the candle and set your intentions of feeling the love you give to others, to yourself. While in the bath, relax and try to focus your intention on you. Allow the bath to relax your senses. You will feel relaxed and at peace after your bath. Open the sack and remove the crystal. Keep this crystal near you and use to help harness the energy of self love whenever you need it. 


Our Blue Indigo water is used to clear away negative stagnant energies, promote peace, spirituality protect, clear hexes, remove jinxes, absorb negative vibes and draw in peace and good luck. Blue Anil & Protective Curios make this bluing water extremely potent.

  • Add a little to your bath to remove negative energy from your aura. 
  • Place in a bowl behind your entrance door or under your bed to ward off negative entities.
  • Add To Cleaning Water to wipe down surfaces 
  • Mop Water 
  • Sprinkle down to create a shield of protection against negative energies 
  • Add To Laundry to whiten whites and spiritually cleanse and protect clothing 
  • Wipe Down Doors and Entryways 
  • Add To A Spray Bottle To Spray Your Space 


Keep your candle in a safe space, away from wind drifts and the interactions of others. This is a 7 day candle that is already fixed with herbs, sigils, roots and oils specially fixed for your desires. Your intentions and prayers will supercharge this candle to make the work, WORK.  

Before you begin this 7 day candle ritual, it is important that you cleanse yourself. You can do this with a sage bundle, incense, or by giving yourself a salt and vinegar scrub in the shower. Before starting any working, you need to be clean in order to get the best results without any negative interferences. Additionally, please be sure that the area where you are burning your candle is free of clutter. 

The brown paper that your candle is covered with is to be used as your petition paper. Write out your full name, DOB and what you want to happen as if it has happened. Place this under your candle or burn the petition in the flame when you light your candle and allow the ash to remain in the candle so that as it burns, your intentions are being burned also reaching the ethers.

It is also important that you are able to dedicate time each day to "work" your candle. This includes sitting quietly, visualizing your results as well as speaking words of affirmation, affirming your desires and prayer over your candle. I recommend that this is done for 10-15 minutes per day with sincerity and gratitude. The more time focused on your desires, the more concentrated the energy becomes working in your favor. 

It is best to keep your candle lit for the full duration of the 7 days. If you cannot leave it lit for whatever reason, please snuff it out with a candle snuffer or use a top to shut off the flame. DO NOT BLOW OUT YOUR CANDLE. Blowing out your candle, blows out the intention set. Relight it when you can. It is recommended to leave it uninterrupted for optimal results. 

Once your candle has completed, follow this guide to interpret your candle.

A clean burn indicates your request is granted.

White Soot represents spiritual help that assists your request. 

If black soot appears near the top of the candle and begins to fade into white toward the bottom, it's an indication that the challenges you face are being overcome in your favor. 

If black soot appears near the bottom, it indicates that a challenge has interrupted your working. 

If white soot is near the bottom it means that your spell has received spiritual assistance and is more likely to succeed. 


Open all doors and windows of the designated space. Ensure that the area is clean and well ventilated in order to allow negative energies and smoke to escape. It is important to firstly smudge yourself prior to smudging another object, space or person. 

Next, light the tip of your smudge stick or unravel it and light the herbs in a fireproof dish. Allow the smudge to be engulfed in the flame for 3-10 seconds and up to 60 seconds for palo santo. Blow out the flame allowing it to smolder and smoke. 

Move the smudge stick around, allowing the smoke to fill the space or object of focus. If cleansing a dwelling, be sure to get all areas such as ceilings, corners and closets. The smoke cleanses each area it touches. Allow the scent to bring peace, calmness and clarity throughout your ritual. 

After you perform your cleansing ritual, repeat your intentions and prayers either aloud or silently in your mind, staying focused on the movement of the smoke and welcoming the shift of energy. 

When you are finished, place the smudge stick in the fireproof dish and allow it to cease smoking on its own. You may proceed to closing the windows and it's optional to light an incense to soothe and set the new vibration. 


Think of Red Brick Dust as an invisible shield of protection from enemies. It is highly effective in deflecting, reversing hexes, or jinxes. Place a line of the dust at your entrance, exit, garage door, window sill or wherever you want to protect. A little goes a long way and you can be very discreet with sprinkling it under your door mat. Use sparingly, very powerful. 


There are many ways to use oils. Oils can be worn on the body (depending on what the oil is being used for) by rubbing a few drops on the hands, heels of both feet, rubbed on wallet, jewelry, can be used to dress candles, applied to mojo bags, a few drops added to a bath, applied on a cloth to wipe down an object or added to a floor wash. Use sparingly and with intention. 



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