Self Love Fixed Stick Candle

Regular price $4.00

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This pink candle is fixed with the appropriate oils, herbs and prayers to help one pay more attention and love to themselves rather than focusing on trying to change someone else. The truth to any love work, is to pour that intention, attention and love into yourself and by doing this you teach others how to treat you as well as how to love you. The truth is, YOU ARE THE SPELL.

The burning of candles is a sacred practice. A lit candle not only brings forth light, it also gives reverence as well as allows one to gain spiritual insight, spiritual assistance or influence a situation.

Each candle is throughly baptized in spiritual waters, smoke cleansed and blessed. Each candle is fixed with the appropriate oils and herbal blends to get THE WORK DONE depending on the specific intention. Each Fixed Candle is its own ritual that requires focus, discipline, and consistency. Treat them with reverence.