Howlite Power Beaded Bracelet 8MM

Regular price $15.00

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Howlite is a soothing and calming stone, and helps with an overactive mind and insomnia. Howlite is called the "attunement stone," linking the user to higher spiritual consciousness, and opens and prepares the mind to receive the energies and wisdom of attunements. As a stress reducer, Howlite can be helpful in the workplace by keeping a Tumbled Howlite Stone in the pocket or purse. When caught in a particularly stressful situation, take a moment to put the piece of Howlite up to the Third-Eye to inject a sense of calm amidst a high-strung environment.

Howlite is often used to help one to recognize the impact of their own actions and behaviors. Using Howlite can help one to remember the importance of tactfulness in dealings with others. Howlite also brings mental awareness, both to current and past-life issues, and facilitates calm communication. Keep a piece of Howlite in your pocket to absorb anger and negative energy. Use tumbled Howlite to open the Third-Eye in preparation for Attunements and Meditations, or to boost creativity.



*1 Bracelet included